
A LIMITED NUMBER of mint-condition hardcover and paperback reprints of Douglas Reeman and Alexander Kent novels are available from Kimberley Reeman at the cover price plus postage. Please e-mail Kimberley Reeman for details if there are books missing from your collection. NOTE: Highseas Authors Limited no longer trades in the Amazon UK marketplace.

The following Alexander Kent hardbacks are available:

To Glory We Steer, 1st American edition (very rare)

The Bolitho Omnibus, Captain Richard Bolitho R.N. Omnibus, “Bolitho” Omnibus

Sloop of War, In Gallant Company, Relentless Pursuit, Cross of St. George, For My Country’s Freedom, Beyond the Reef, Signal— Close Action!, Sword of Honour, The Darkening Sea, Form Line of Battle, Man of War, Heart of Oak, In the King’s Name

The following Douglas Reeman hardbacks are available:

High Water, 1st edition (very rare)

Sunset, The Volunteers, A Prayer for the Ship, The Deep Silence, The Last Raider, The Hostile Shore, In Danger’s Hour, Strike from the Sea, H.M.S. Saracen, Rendezvous— South Atlantic, The Destroyers, High Water, Twelve Seconds to Live, The Horizon, Dust on the Sea, A Dawn Like Thunder

The following Alexander Kent paperbacks are available:

Richard Bolitho, Midshipman, original Arrow paperback edition (only one remaining)

Midshipman Bolitho and the ‘Avenger’, original Arrow paperback edition (only one remaining)

Band of Brothers, original paperback edition (only one remaining)

Enemy in Sight, original Arrow paperback with Mayger jacket painting (only one remaining)

Cross of St. George, Success to the Brave, With All Despatch, Midshipman Bolitho (all three novels in one), Heart of Oak, Second to None, In Gallant Company, Passage to Mutiny, Man of War, Stand into Danger, The Flag Captain, Form Line of Battle, The Only Victor, The Darkening Sea, For My Country’s Freedom, Enemy in Sight, The Inshore Squadron

The following Douglas Reeman paperbacks are available:

With Blood and Iron, original Arrow paperback (only one remaining)

Battlecruiser, Twelve Seconds to Live, Badge of Glory, The First to Land, Knife Edge, A Dawn Like Thunder, The Horizon, The Hostile Shore, For Valour

Kimberley Jordan Reeman’s CORONACH is available in trade paperback.